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Remote Deposit

Make Deposits from Your Office

Most business owners know the hassle that comes with making deposits. It means making runs to the bank, which takes valuable time away from your ability to assist your customers and employees. But with remote deposit, you can take full control of the deposit process from your office. Contact the business banking team at Bank of Herrin to learn more about how you can simplify the deposit process for your business.

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hands holding a mobile phone taking a photo of a check

How Remote Deposit Works with Bank of Herrin

Through our remote deposit partner, Bank of Herrin will set up a desktop scanner at your business and install software on your computer that will allow you to make bulk check deposits whenever it’s most convenient for you. We’ll train you on how to scan the checks into the system and submit them for deposit. Most importantly, you’ll have the tools to flag any suspicious transactions and make sure all check numbers and deposit amounts are verified before they are submitted. All the deposit data can be easily exported to a financial management software to allow you to track your deposits over time.